الاثنين، 1 مايو 2017

برنامج ايكلون 7 iClone 7 Work in Progress 3: Unlimited Extensions

النسخة الجديدة من برنامج ايكلون 7 تضمنت تحديثات واضافات رائعة وبامكانك التعامل معها بكل سهولة..تابع فيديو الشركة المنتجة.

WIP 3 reveals iClone 7’s evolution into an OPEN program with truly robust extension capabilities. The full-featured Curve Editor plugin built with iClone 7 API demonstrates a new ability for plugin designers to do solid technology integration with iClone. Creative users can easily augment animation features or add custom devices to iClone with Python Scripting. Visually, the advancements for iClone 7 continue with custom shader technologies including Shadow Matte, HBAO+, and LUT color grading, all showcase examples of unlimited extensibility for creative users or developers.
NOTE: User interfaces and steps shown in this video are for demo purposes only. They are to give users an early look at some of our newest tools and developments. The final UI, content, and processes may be subject to change before the final product release.

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